Nominate someone who you think needs help around the home..
"Being a cleaning fairy comes with job satisfaction, I see first hand how much our cleaning services are appreciated and that we make a difference to people from the services we offer. I understand cleaning is a luxury for some and for others a necessity to help with the home life balance..
I also know that talking from personal experience that you feel you can do it all, whether you are a parent, a carer, working full time, getting older... you don't like to ask for help, it makes you feel guilty just thinking of hiring extra help to do the jobs that are sometimes feel expected of us, or... you feel overwhelmed by simply just wanting a nice clean, tidy home, and not being able to achieve it due to other jobs that take priority..
Trying to keep on top of our homes is one of the things right up there on that never ending list, I was once a new parent that was consumed by the precious new bundle which meant a neglected house and a neglected me! I know single parents running around doing the best they can for their family but with one pair of hands and just 24 hours in a day, some days its impossible, then there are neighbours and elderly in the community that are lonely and find simple tasks exhausting, like making a bed or standing up to do the washing up.. I want to help everyone but sadly I realise I am not able to, but between me and our cleaning fairies we can offer a little help, because..
Just a little of our time could go a long way for someone
That's why we are asking you to nominate someone (or nominate yourself) if you feel a cleaning fairy can help.
We are offering a free 2 hr cleaning appointment..
It will be a one off 2 hour cleaning fairy appointment with one of our cleaning fairies to clean or to carry out any domestic chores needed around the home. We will do what we can to hopefully make a difference, even if just a small difference in the allocated time.
A new person from a different location in North Devon will be chosen fortnightly on a Friday.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
No contract. No Catch.
All information will be kept confidential
We appreciate that you may not like to post your nomination on social media, so we please just ask that you like our Facebook page, (www.facebook.com/thecleaningfairyandco) and share our page. Send us a message with your email address, your nominee, where they are based and why, we will then send you some more information with a quick form to fill in to enter.